
The League Branch of Huaibei Anxing Company conducted a re-study of Xi Jinping's speech at the conference to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement

Date: 2019-08-22 Views: 275

In order to further study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and better promote the spirit of the May 4th Movement and stimulate the revival force, on the morning of August 9th, the League Branch of Huaibei Anxing Company organized another study of Xi Jinping's speech at the meeting to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement.

During the course of study, all the members of the League revisited the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and studied the spirit of the series of speeches in depth. Comrade Liu Zhaoqiang, Secretary of the League Branch, made new demands on the members of the League in accordance with the spirit of the speeches, and encouraged the young comrades to continue to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and shoulder the responsibility of the times. Ren, strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards".

Over the past 100 years, Chinese youth, full of the pure heart of the motherland and the people, have actively devoted themselves to the great cause of revolution, construction and reform led by the Party, fought for the people, devoted themselves to the motherland and struggled for a happy life, and dedicated their best youth to the motherland and the people, composing magnificent songs of youth one after another. Whether past, present or future, Chinese youth have always been the vanguard force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In future work, the League Branch of Huaibei Anxing Company will continue to pay attention to the cultivation of youth strength, actively create a grinding environment and good growth conditions, and train and train socialist builders and successors.